Friday, April 26, 2019

U6 - FMP Next steps

Task 3:

Your ideas should be explored in numerous ways – one or two approaches will not be enough. No matter what discipline you are you must use your recording skills as a means of effectively and efficiently recording your intentions. In this you must work with a range of media and scale. Where possible work from life, but your photos will also be useful reference material. You should use your annotation to explore the potential of your drawn imagery and how this will help trigger your design/painting ideas.


Timescale for completion of this task:

To be completed by Monday 29th April

Checklist of evidence required

4 x good quality drawings accompanied by some good quality analysis.

Criteria covered by this task:

See project brief

Task 4:

Throughout your entire project you should continue to add to your research and gathering of primary imagery – please ensure that you continue to explain your intentions and how these fit into your own development of your creative process. It is this that will influence your overall project.
You should now begin to develop a series or working drawings/design ideas which help to fully communicate your intentions, look at these as possible solutions and begin to offer ideas on how you might select and employ materials, equipment and technique, and how these will each influence the development of your work, and that you have a thorough understanding of this and whose work may have influenced your decision making in this. Include examples of media and process and include any health and safety issues attached to each.

Timescale for completion of this task:

To be completed by Wednesday 1st May

Checklist of evidence required

6 x design ideas to be presented on separate pages and accompanied by media samples and analysis.

Criteria covered by this task:
See project brief.

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U6 - New Project Brief: Portfolio Construction

ART & DESIGN DEPARTMENT – BTEC ASSIGNMENT BRIEF                                                                                       ...