Sunday, October 20, 2019

L6 - Tools Checklist and Evaluation Guidance

Your evaluation should be written as a flowing piece of text of at least 800 words, word processed and ideally should integrate images of your work (especially your 3D outcomes).

First Phase of Project (Observational, prior to overlay drawings):

  • Describe how you started the project, talk about how you selected the tools and composed photographic shots. What did you see in them that you could respond to through drawing and other media?
  • Talk through all the different processes you encountered in the first phase of the project, keeping it brief & informative, which were the most successful images you created? How have your existing skills been extended in the process?
  • Which Artists and Designers did you research at this stage of the project? Did you find their work influenced or informed your own studio practice, how?
Second Phase of Project (Moving towards Abstraction and 3D)
  • Identify things in your 2D overlay compositions that went well, what techniques did you use to explore this imagery?
  • Did you find the move into 3D relief an easy one to make? Did elements from your 2D studies transfer into your 3D relief work?
  • How did you find the practicalities of working in 3D? What techniques did you employ (e.g. cutting, scoring, glue, interlocking)? Describe any problems you encountered and how you dealt with them.
  • Are you happy with your relief work, which elements of it do you regard as particularly successful?
  • Which Sculptors did you look at? Did you find their work interesting, why? Did it inform your own work in any way?
  • What additional challenges did your fully 3D sculptural piece present? Talk about how you addressed sculptural concerns such as points of balance, visual weight and rhythm and creating interest from all angles.
  • Were there any different techniques used that you didn’t use in your relief piece (e.g. constructing volumes). Did you find the progression from relief to a fully 3D piece an easy one to make?
  • Are you pleased with your 3D outcome? Identify strengths and weaknesses of this piece.
  • Describe how you went about recording your work through photography and drawing. What steps did you take to ensure you got good images (e.g. lighting, selection of background, focus on details).
  • Identify two skills you have learned during this project that you hope to develop further in future work and suggest ways in which you would refine your skills in these areas.
  • Overall are you happy with your work and time management in this project? What could you do to be more effective in future?


Sketchbook including, from Phase 1:
  • A range of photos of your tool - thumbnail prints of all your shots (20+) should be included in your sketchbook and 4 - 6 of your best shots printed off at A5 or A4 scale. Brief annotation identifying why you consider particular shots successful should also be present.
  • A completed sustained tonal drawing from your tool photos done in pencil - this should be at least A4 in scale and represent 3+ hours worth of work.
  • Set of 4 expressive timed graphite and chalk drawings done in class, mounted in book and briefly annotated.
  • Prep task research into Jim Dine (tool drawings) and Florian Nicolle (collages) over at least 4 pages (see additional guidance in previous post) and include at least one visual response in appropriate media.
  • At least one Gold card plate based on your tool photos cut and several prints taken from it, these prints and the plate should all be mounted in your book and annotated with a brief description of the process.
  • One or more digital manipulations of your Tool imagery (completed with Miss Corrigan). Annotate.
  • Mixed media collage with tool image drawn over A3.
  • A2 Charcoal mid-tone drawing, include photos of this in your book.
  • Minimum of 2 experiments working into reproductions of your tool prints with coloured inks.
  • Laser cut tool collage work completed with Miss Corrigan. Annotate.
  • At least 2 monoprints from your tool imagery completed with Ms. Mason. Annotate.
Phase 2 work:
  • 2 pages of research into Jasper Johns, concentrating on his letter and number based overlay drawings, prints and paintings. Analyse and include a visual response.
  • One or more linear overlay drawings based on shapes found within your tools (refer to photos or earlier drawings/prints).
  • One or more tonal/mark-making letterform drawings.
  • Several developments of your overlay compositions exploring colour and collage.
  • PhotoShop exploration of your linear overlay designs.
  • Digital design with colour added (100% digital piece). Annotate all these.
  • 2 pages research into the relief based sculptures of Frank Stella.
  • A well resolved 3D relief piece.
  • Abstract print piece based on cardboard offcuts from relief work.
  • 2 or more pages that present least 6 annotated developmental sketches illustrating your proposals for 3 Dimensional work.
  • Research into a sculptor e.g. Richard Deacon, Naum Gabo, David Smith, Eduardo Chillida.
  • A finished fully 3D sculptural outcome.
  • Photographs of all your Relief/3D pieces, include detail shots and shoot from a range of angles, consider lighting carefully and shoot against a clean background.
  • A full page sustained tonal drawing in response to photos of your final piece.
  • A word processed project evaluation (see guidance above).
Any additional work (e.g. further 2D experiments with your overlay compositions, extra research, other drawings of your 3D outcome) is obviously welcome and will create a favorable impression! 😊

    Monday 4th November. 3.20pm. Work to be handed in to Mrs. Bicknell. 

    Briefing for the new project will be on Tuesday 5th November - expect Fireworks!💥

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