Saturday, March 2, 2019

U6 - Specialist Graphics/3D project week 2 update

Task  3:

Emilia Butler - BTEC Student
Production of an illustrated leaflet or cards:
The project outcome should draw upon the work completed in the first week of this project, but you should also integrate images produced in Part 1 of the insect project to your outcome.
·         Scan a range of images from your sketchbook/s.
·         Digitally arrange, layer and rework these images integrating a strap line to promote your product in an innovative way. Think carefully about appropriate choice of font, layout and communicating a message.
·         As part of this process create an appropriate logo for your product, this should be inspired in some way by your chosen insect. Developmental stages of this should be included in the sketchbook : notes, rough sketches, design variations and refinements.
·         Take screenshots to evidence the development of your leaflet/postcard designs, print these and annotate discussing techniques used and key decisions taken.
·         Print your final outcomes and present them professionally.

Timescale for completion of this task:

By Saturday 9th March.

Checklist of evidence required

·         Final 4 sided leaflet or set of 4 postcards, developed digitally and presented professionally.
·         As part of the above a product logo design with supporting sketchbook work.
·         Supporting sketchbook work showing the development of your outcome.

Task 4:

Evaluation (Unit 24):
Write a thorough evaluation in this you need to:
·         Review your outcome analysing how well it fulfils the original brief.
·         Explain how you achieved professional standards with your final piece.
·         Discuss how your understanding of what graphic illustration is has changed as a result of your work over the first phase of this project.
·         Review the strengths and weaknesses of your work and identify the key decisions you made in your creative process.
·         Note any health and safety considerations pertinent to this part of the project (working at computers, printmaking processes etc.).
·         Identify how you could develop and use the skills acquired in this project in future work.

Timescale for completion of this task:

By Saturday 9th March.

Checklist of evidence required

·         An illustrated and word-processed evaluation of at least 800 words.

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ART & DESIGN DEPARTMENT – BTEC ASSIGNMENT BRIEF                                                                                       ...