Saturday, March 2, 2019

U6 - Specialist Fashion Project Week 2 Update

Task  3:

To provide a better sense of your overall Hoodie designs (all 3), you should produce a range of textile samples which communicate your construction and embellishment intentions, these should be produced using the fabric samples you previously pre-ordered and a range of process and media as outlined in task 2. Ensure that all processes are documented and explained within your sketchbook. Use scans, photographs and raw media to aid you in this. There is a good opportunity here to review and modify your creative practice and this should be evidenced.

Timescale for completion of this task:

By Monday 11 March.

Checklist of evidence required

A minimum of 3 textile samples for each of your 3 Hoodie designs which use a range of process and media, effectively describing the various design details you would ultimately hope to achieve.

Task 4:

Take your design boards back to your chosen House and ask them to select one of your designs, you must document this process in your sketchbooks with evidence of a discussion which focuses on both the practical and aesthetic attributes of your designs. Once a design has been agreed upon you must then make it. If garment construction is new to you, you should use and adapt the pattern block provided, using dot and cross paper to map out your own version. Making a toile of your garment is normal practice and will help you to identify any unforeseen difficulties and design errors which may arise. This will also help you with getting to grips with some of the more technical aspects of construction before you embark upon the real thing!
Please use your sketchbooks to document each stage of the process with relevant photographic images and annotation.

Timescale for completion of this task:

By Thursday 14 March.
Checklist of evidence required

1 pattern for garment construction.
1 completed Toile.
A series of good quality photographs and annotations which document your making process.

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U6 - New Project Brief: Portfolio Construction

ART & DESIGN DEPARTMENT – BTEC ASSIGNMENT BRIEF                                                                                       ...