Monday, March 11, 2019

U6 - Graphics/3D Project Week 3 Work

Task 5:

3D Research
·         Analyse the form and function of existing designs of your product that are currently on the market. This should be done by labelling images with notes and creating diagrams. Compare features of different designs, discuss aspects such as materials, design features, brand style, target market and ergonomics.
·         Research the designer identified with your selected product from this list : Tom Ford (sunglasses) ; Igor Mitin (perfume) ; Andrew Bowen (tools). This research should include brief biographical detail and then focus on analysing some specific relevant designs. Comment on materials, brand style, form and function, use of colour, target market. If you can find design sketches and prototypes by these designers these would be particularly useful to look at to analyse the design process and assist you with your own practical work.

Timescale for completion of this task:

Alongside practical tasks in week 1 of the 3D phase, finish by Saturday 16th March.
Checklist of evidence required

·         At least 4 pages analysing existing designs of your chosen product.
·         Minimum 2 pages research on a relevant 3D designer.

Task 6:

3D Development
At the start of the design process you need to select a material for modelling your prototype from the following list :
·         Metal
·         Wood
·         Plastic
·         Clay
This does not have to be a material typically associated with the product, but you need to analyse the properties of the material you select and explain how you think it can fulfil your design brief.
·         Produce at least 4 pages of rough sketches exploring design ideas for your chosen product. These should look at a variety of potential solutions, which could be radically different or slight variations on a theme. Your design roughs should be thoroughly annotated.
·         Complete a more polished design proposal for your final design. This should either be scanned and finished digitally or be a purely digital piece.
·         Undertake at least two small scale 3D experiments with your chosen material, these should investigate techniques for manipulating your media. These maquettes could be design prototypes for your outcome, or variations on your proposal, or be focused on a smaller section of your design. Ensure your 3D experimentation is thoroughly recorded photographically and mounted into your sketchbook with appropriate annotation.

Timescale for completion of this task:

By Monday 18th March.
Checklist of evidence required

·         Notes analysing properties and explaining choice of chosen 3D media.
·         4 or more pages of annotated rough design sketches.
·         Digital version of final design proposal.
·         2 3D maquettes with photographs and annotation in the sketchbook.

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U6 - New Project Brief: Portfolio Construction

ART & DESIGN DEPARTMENT – BTEC ASSIGNMENT BRIEF                                                                                       ...