Monday, March 11, 2019

U6 - Fine Art specialist work week 3

Task 5:

Osnat Tzadok - White Tide
·         Research and summarise the ways in which contemporary Fine Artists make connections, raise their profile and make a living. Ideally put some questions together and contact an Artist/s to get some real life opinion. Things you might consider looking at are how Artists make connections with commercial galleries, how Artists sell work privately, how Artists secure exhibitions, how Artists promote themselves online and how Artists go about identifying and entering competitions.
·         Produce a study of two different contemporary Fine Artists, look at their visual work, but also examine how they have got to where they are in their career. Where have they exhibited ? Did they do a degree ? How soon after leaving education did they get their break ? You should endeavour to contact at least one of these Artists directly (via email) with a series of well designed questions - this will make your research much more powerful.

Timescale for completion of this task:
 Alongside practical tasks, finish by Saturday 16th March.
Checklist of evidence required

·         At least 4 pages analysing ways in which Fine Artists progress their careers.
·         Minimum 4 pages research on 2 contemporary Artists.
·         Evidence of any email correspondence with Artists.

Task 7:

Development towards a Practical Outcome
·         Building on your painting work from the first half of the project you are expected to develop another personal Fine Art piece, this could either be a further substantial painted piece, or you could choose to explore a different area of Fine Art practice such as sculpture, printmaking, mixed media or digital work.
·         In week 1 of Part B you should produce relevant developmental studies towards this Artwork, again this needs to relate to the insect theme to help you build a coherent set of work. This might involve sketches, 3D maquettes, trial prints, or digital experiments.
·         Ensure your development is effectively recorded in your sketchbook with imagery and annotation, analyse strengths and weaknesses, use of media and discuss the ideas you are exploring.

Timescale for completion of this task:

By Monday 18th March.

Checklist of evidence required

·         At least 4 pages of annotated studies developing visuals and ideas for your final piece.

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U6 - New Project Brief: Portfolio Construction

ART & DESIGN DEPARTMENT – BTEC ASSIGNMENT BRIEF                                                                                       ...