Thursday, March 28, 2019

U6 - FMP Part 1

ART & DESIGN DEPARTMENT – BTEC ASSIGNMENT BRIEF                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
BTEC National Extended Diploma Art and Design

Unit Coverage
3 The Creative Process
45 Curating an Exhibition
Assignment title

Final Major Project

Mr. I. Bicknell/Mrs. V. Mason/Mrs. G. Bicknell/Miss. R. Rendell
Hand out date

27 March 2019
Hand in deadline

10 June 2019
FMP Exhibition

Vocational Scenario or context

Part of being and artist or designer is being able to self-manage a comprehensive creative process. It may be that you have been commissioned to produce work to a set client brief, organise and plan a taught workshop event, develop products for your own business for retail purposes, or, as in this instance, develop a body of work for a collaborative event.

You are being asked to design and develop a series of outcomes which will be exhibited in a local gallery space. Not only will this provide you with the opportunity to design your own brief and manage a personal project but present you with the task of being an ambassador for the school. The exhibition is designed to be a showcase for your talents and a means of synthesising all that you have learnt on the course in one final display.

Task 1

What you design your project around is entirely up to you. It may be in response to a current fashion trend, a popular craze, something in the news, a cultural reference, a favourite book, your own identity, a key word such as community, environment or symbolism.  In order to push your ideas forward you will need to negotiate them with us and in order to do so in a professional manner you must present us with a formal proposal. This will consist of a written document, a comprehensive timeline and a 7-slide presentation.

The document proforma and weekly planner (timeline) will be emailed to you and these, along with your slide show should be returned to us by email.

Your slide show contents are as follows.

1.       Title and theme of project.
2.       Methods of gathering research material – trips, visits, online, brainstorming – provide image-based examples. Name somewhere or an exhibition you intend to visit.
3.       Important influences – name at least 3 artists/designers who will influence your creative process.
4.       Outline of what you intend to make.
5.       Use of media and experimentation.
6.       Critique and feedback.                                  
7.       Method of display.

Your statement should explore the relationship between each stage of the creative process that you will engage in, in order to fully realise your intentions. So, how each activity will have an effect on the next and how this can have positive and negative effects on what you develop.

Timescale for completion of this task:

Initial statement to be completed by Friday 29th March 2019
Time line and slide show by Friday 5th April 2019
Checklist of evidence required:

1 x completed statement of intent
1x weekly planner (Timeline)
1 x slideshow

Task 2:

The initial stages of your project will be dedicated to looking at your idea/theme/concept in as much depth as possible. In this you will be using the resources available to you in terms of gathering as much primary and secondary material as possible. This must all be carefully collated within your sketchbook, annotated and appropriately responded to in a visual sense. It is imperative that you look for diversity within this, so balance out the Pinterest research with a place, gallery or museum visit for example. Within this there must be at least 2 examples of carefully analysed artist research which explores, concept, influence, process, outcome and relevance to your own intentions.
In order to have a good range of material from which to initially develop your practical work, you must use your camera to record with. Try to take diversify your imagery here through the use of varying viewpoint (obscure angles, close-ups, flat lay, depth of field etc).

Timescale for completion of this task:

To be completed by Wednesday 24th April
Checklist of evidence required

12 x research pages on chosen idea/theme/concept to include at least one place/gallery/museum visit and 2 different artist analysis. Pages must be fully annotated and include analysis on how this stage of development can positively influence future stages.

1 x 800 word gallery review of curatorial technique in visited exhibit.

At least 30 good quality photographs which explore idea/theme/concept in some depth.

L6 - Artist Timeline Link

Tate Artist Timeline

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

L6 - Unit 2 Critical and Contextual References in Art and Design Practice Task

Picasso - Les Demoiselles D'Avignon 1907

Jackson Pollock - Blue Poles 1954

Damian Hirst - The physical impossibility of death in the mind of someone living 1991

Based on the Art History talks we have had this term you need to select 3 Artworks that you regard as particularly significant and provide detailed analysis on each one. One Artwork should be selected from each of the following time periods:
·         1 piece from the period 1870 – 1919
·         1 piece from the period 1920 – 1969
·         1 piece from the period 1970 - 2019
For each Artwork you have selected provide commentary that addresses the following points:
1.  Briefly provide Full factual information relating to the Artwork – when it was produced, by whom, scale and media; identify if the Artwork is associated with a particular movement.
2.      Visual Analysis, discuss the formal qualities of each Artwork - evaluate technique /mark-making, use of colour, composition and atmosphere/mood.
3.      Theoretical information – What influenced the Artist? What social, political or personal references (if any) was the Artist making with the work? How did the Artwork influence future generations of visual Artists?
4.      Your personal response to each work. Justify your reasons for selecting it. This should be an informed personal view, resulting from your research into the work and your understanding of the Artist’s intentions in producing it.
·   Avoid plagiarism. If you are using information from a source either include it as a quotation or substantially reword your source. If plagiarism was discovered in an academic piece like this would result in automatic failure.
·         Back up points you make by using quotations from Artists or critics. You should include at least one quotation for each selected Artwork.

Write succinctly (stick to the important stuff, don't waffle or waste words) and try to limit your discussion of each Artwork to between 250 – 350 words.

This task needs to be completed over the Easter break and submitted for assessment on our first day back - Wednesday 24th April.
Feedback given from this practice task will help you to perform better in your Unit 2 Exam on 15th May.

Friday, March 22, 2019

L6 - Expedition Project, evidence for submission.

In readiness for your monitored 8 hours after Easter ensure you produce visual evidence for the bulleted areas from the exam paper for inclusion on your 3 developmental A2 sheets:

• Your ability to visually communicate the theme in different ways. 
• Your exploration of ideas, imagery and visual language. 
• Your exploration of materials and methods of recording. 
• At least one observational recording from a primary source.
• Your research into art and design practitioners. 
• The contextual factors you investigated.

You will also need to complete an outcome for your project to be presented on a 4th A2 sheet.

Monday, March 18, 2019

U6 - Fashion specialist brief - final week

Sportswear fashion shoot

Task 6:

You must now explore the best ways in which to promote your final outcome. Begin with looking at the different ways the fashion world attracts a target market audience. This mostly comes down to AIDA (attention, interest, desire and action) and the products USP (unique selling point). These are certainly two key factors that you must explore and document.
The marketing mix is vital in promoting/marketing a product and without an understanding of this little success may be achieved – it is important therefor that you DO acquire an understanding of this principle also.
Look at 5 different ways that are currently popular in the promotion of a garment and or a brand and record these in your sketchbooks with the relevant market examples.
What makes a successful strategy?

Timescale for completion of this task:

By Wednesday20 March.
Checklist of evidence required

8 Research pages which evidence the following..
1.       AIDA
2.       USP
3.       Marketing mix
4.       5 separate methods of fashion promotion with up-to-date examples

Task 7:

Photograph your final outcome (hoodie) and use these images to create a piece of marketing material – this could be a look book, a fashion editorial or a web page/instagram campaign. You may shoot in the studio or on location. Your photographs should be imaginatively shot and carefully edited in PhotoShop. You may also wish to create a logo or use some sort of text to emphasise the idea/purpose behind your garment.
Please show all brainstorming, planning, strategies and initial ideas and reasoning prior to final selection.
*Remember who your target audiences are – you have more than one....*
This campaign MUST be presented to your house group and documented either photographically or as a short film. Your presentation must include the handing out of copies of your promotional material in a goody bag type of way.
Timescale for completion of this task:

By Saturday 23 March
Checklist of evidence required

10 x well shot images of final hoodie.
Either 1 completed Fashion editorial spread, 1 look book style leaflet or 1 instagram style campaign set of 3 images.
A minimum of 5 sets of promotional goody bag style packages ready for distribution.

Task 8:

Project Evaluation:
To accompany your final submission, you need to complete a word-processed evaluation, this needs to reflect on all aspects of the project you have completed and identify ways in which you might go on to develop both the design and promotional aspects of the project.  In this you should refer to the feedback you have received and the obstacles and successes you encountered throughout your creative journey. Discuss the merits of your design ideas and final outcome as well as the effectiveness of your campaign. Please remember that you are evaluating two separate units here....
Timescale for completion of this task:

By Monday 25 March.
Checklist of evidence required

1 x minimum of 1000 word typed evaluation.


Summative Unit marking.

U6 - Fine Art specialist brief - final week.

Brice Marden - Nevisian Triptych

Task 7:

Fine Art Outcome
·         Building on your developmental work from week one of this unit you need to produce a substantial and ambitious Fine Art Outcome in a media of your choice. Remember that this piece needs to reflect the insect theme in some way (either overtly or more subtly).

Timescale for completion of this task:

By Monday 25th March.
Checklist of evidence required

·         A well resolved ambitious Fine Art outcome in a media of your choosing.
·         Photographs documenting making process with annotation in the sketchbook.
·         A5/A4 photos of your outcome in your sketchbook.

Task 8:

Create promotional material for your own work:
·         Record your work from the painting and contemporary Fine Art practice units photographically and use these images to create an online presence specifically for your work – a Facebook or Instagram page or a Blog would all be good examples of this.
·         Identify a commercial gallery (through researching other Artists they represent) that you feel might suit your work. Draft an approach letter to this gallery, including images of your work and ask if they would be interested in marketing your Art. This should be no more than 2 sides of A4 including images, be succinct. You do not have to send the letter, but you could always try !

Timescale for completion of this task:

By Monday 25th March.
Checklist of evidence required

·         Produce an online resource that promotes your work including images from your Painting and Contemporary Fine Art practice Units.
·         Complete an illustrated gallery approach letter.

Task 9:

·         Reflect on the development of the Fine Art outcome you produced in this unit. How did it express personal style and ideas ?
·         Discuss strengths and weaknesses of your practical work.
·         Justify why you selected media.
·         Comment on your work processes, including time planning and reaction to feedback.
·         Describe how practical skills learned in this project could be further developed to help shape future work.
·         Review research and planning to find an audience for your work. In this section you need to consider : choice of venue (this can include online), style of work and potential audience, accessibility of exhibited work.
·         Describe what you learned from contacting an Artist that might be relevant to your future development, reflect on how you might further advance your self-promotional skills.

Timescale for completion of this task:

By Monday 25th March.
Checklist of evidence required

Word-processed evaluation of at least 800 words.

U6 - New Project Brief: Portfolio Construction

ART & DESIGN DEPARTMENT – BTEC ASSIGNMENT BRIEF                                                                                       ...