Monday, February 25, 2019

U6 - Fine Art Specialist Brief. First Tasks.

BTEC ASSIGNMENT BRIEF                                                                                                                                       

BTEC National Extended Diploma Art and Design

Unit Coverage

40 – Contemporary Fine Art Practice
41 – Painting

Assignment title

Insect Part 2 – Fine Art

Mr. I. Bicknell/Ms. V. Mason/Mrs. G. Bicknell/Miss. R. Rendell
Hand out date

25th February 2019
Hand in deadline

25th March 2019


Imogen Andrews – BTEC Student

Vocational Scenario or context

This project requires you to utilise your work from your Unit 4 Insect assignment as a starting point. The project is subdivided: in Part A you need to produce a series of painted studies inspired by the theme of “Insect” leading to a final triptych of paintings. These need to be complemented by research into painters appropriate to the approach you have taken and thoughtful reflection on your own work.
Part B requires you to develop an understanding of how Fine Artists promote themselves and make a living from their work. You will need to develop ways of promoting your own work, research galleries, competitions, exhibiting opportunities. You will need to create online promotional material for your work (e.g. Instagram page, personal website, blog or Facebook page) as well as drafting a contact letter for galleries. Alongside this you need to create an additional Fine Art piece based on the Insect theme, this can be either an additional painting or explore an alternative Fine Art format. You will need to evaluate all you have learned throughout the project.


Select an insect to inspire your project. Consider all aspects of this insect: physical appearance, behaviour, habitat, social interaction, colour, sound, movement. Produce work that responds to this theme, this can be either figurative or abstract, but needs to capture the character of your chosen insect.

In addition to this brief please refer to for additional guidance throughout the project.

This project will require a focussed and productive approach to successfully complete the attached units. Ensure that you concentrate on the tasks set and do not waste effort and time on other work, move promptly from one task to the next and ensure you meet the intermediate deadlines.

Part A

Task 1

Initial Research and Mind Mapping: This should build on work you carried out in Part 1 of the project, but needs to be specifically based on your chosen insect.

·         Consider the idea of your chosen insect.  Write down words associated with this creatures - their character/behaviour as well as their physical appearance.  Words such as predator, sting, poison, danger, energy, warrior, industrious, worker, queen, drone, community, hive, nest.   Produce an extensive brainstorm.

·         Collect information and visuals on your insect, use Pinterest. Consider habitat, lifespan, diet, social interaction etc.

·         Research two painters one who produces Triptych series of works (Francis Bacon, Otto Dix, Joan Miro, Mark Rothko) and one whose work inspires you and may influence the visual work you intend to produce in this unit. Present this work thoughtfully with good reproductions of the Artist’s work. Give brief biographical background, but focus on analysing specific works, comment particularly on how they use paint – colour, markmaking, technique, scale, composition, mood etc.

Timescale for completion of this task:

Alongside practical work during first week of project, finished by Friday 1st March.
Checklist of evidence required:

·         A page of thorough and imaginative mind-mapping specific to your chosen insect.
·         At least 2 pages of visuals and information regarding your insect, this should be collaged into your sketchbook and presented in a mood-board style.
·         4 pages research into two painters (triptych artist + personal choice).


Class crits, peer and teacher verbal feedback. Summative Unit marking.

Task 2:

Visual development of ideas and technique.
·         You need to explore the approach you intend to take in your outcome through a series of at least 6 painted studies. These could take place within the sketchbook or as seperate pieces. Photograph any larger pieces for inclusion in your sketchbook. There should be a clear visual relationship between these pieces as you try to develop a distinct personal visual language within your paintings.
·         Annotate all your developmental paintings. Talk about the ideas you are expressing and how they relate to the insect theme. Discuss technical aspects too – composition, use of colour, mark-making, scale, mood. Comment on strengths and weaknesses of the work, what you have learned, and how these studies have helped you formulate ideas for your final outcome.

Timescale for completion of this task:

By Monday 3rd March.

Checklist of evidence required:

·         A series of at least 6 painted studies.
·         Annotation and explanation of these studies in your sketchbook.

Work for weeks 2 - 4 of this project and unit criteria coverage is detailed in the brief you have been issued with and will follow on the blog.

U6 - Fashion Specialist Brief. First Tasks.

BTEC National Extended Diploma Art and Design

Unit Coverage
33: Fashion Design
35: Fashion Promotion
Assignment title

Insect Part 2 - Fashion/Promotion

Mr. I. Bicknell/Ms. V. Mason/Mrs. G. Bicknell/Ms R. Rendell
Hand out date

25 February 2019
Hand in deadline

25 March 2019


Vocational Scenario or context

Many fashion designers have used the characteristics of the insect as the inspiration behind their collections, whether it’s through colour, patterns or materials to represent their natural state. Texture is another element Designers try to capture, usually through embellishment but this can also be shown through structure and the actual shaping of the garment. Most notably this can be seen in the work of Alexander McQueen, Hendrik Vermeulen, Balmain, Haider Ackermann, Fyodor Golan, Catherine O’leary and most recently Moschino.
Moving away from Haute Couture many designers are looking now towards collaborative sportwear design and using their existing skills and imaginations to create ranges which neatly crossover between performance and high fashion, providing them with new challenges and sets of criteria that they must address. Again, the insect world has proven to be rich in inspirational material.  Following this trend, the fashion-conscious Millfield houses have elected to put forward a proposal to redesign their individual team kit, each with a specific species and set of characteristics in mind. It is your task to start the ball rolling with the design and creation of a hoodie inspired by one of the houses chosen arthropod mascots, from which a full kit may eventually be built if the Headmaster can see the potential in this, so you have an important job to do!

You must choose one of the following from which to develop you work for this project.

     The Abbey Ants                          The Butleigh Beetles                 The Holmcroft Hornets
     The Kernick Killer Bees              The Martin’s Moths                  The Portway Pests
     The Shapwick Spiders                The Southfield Scorpions         The Walton wasps

In addition to this brief please refer to for additional guidance throughout the project.

Task 1

In order to work from an informed perspective, you must gather and carefully present a broad range of information within a new sketchbook. This should include online research, existing garment appreciation and conversation with your chosen house (market research).  Within this there should be some strong evidence of your investigations into some current trend analysis. These agency sites are a good start but you must also document specialist publications, fashion blogs and social media – knowledge is power!,,
In relation to existing sportswear design, you must provide a breakdown of the purpose, need and creative intentions of the garment you are to design and some investigation into potential materials, techniques and processes, carefully considering the workability of all in terms of their values and constrictions.
You must consider all the things that have a bearing on fashion design in general such as cultural associations (popular and global), values, environmental and ethical considerations in the use of materials and techniques continually.
At this point you should order a range of different samples of traditional and non-traditional activewear material samples. This could be useful in determining what you might need to order....

Timescale for completion of this task:

 Completed by Wednesday 27 February.
Checklist of evidence required:

4 pages of analytical research, with imagery based on current activewear trend analysis.
1 page on one high profile activewear designer focusing on a particular collection.
Evidence of discussion with chosen Millfield house on contributory factors in relation to both form and function of hoodie design.
2 pages of analytical research, with samples, on materials commonly used in activewear manufacture including information on price, durability and design worth/potential.

Task 2:

Now that you have gathered the required technical and inspirational material, you should begin to design your Hoodie through the use of fashion illustration on well-presented design boards - these will be shown to your “clients” later on, so they must be effective in how they communicate your intentions. At this stage it is important to consider a breadth of ideas and to look for some distinct methods of promoting the characteristcs of your Insect diversely. You should be thinking about how you will use shape, embellishment, surface texture and colour both individually and in different combinations. It is also vital that you maintain an awareness of the practical implications of your designs too, in this you should consider purpose, durability, weight, warmth and function.
At this stage you should have a good understanding of media and process and must use this knowledge appropriately. Think about which media will work best or most creatively with each process. You must consider how you might use the sewing machine, the laser cutter, the vinyl cutter, digital imaging, cutting and slashing and the silk screen. Provide some written analysis of this and how it is appropriate to your intentions.

You must include the transcripts of your house discussions in the development of your designs as well as evidence of brainstorms, sketching (ie preliminary ideas prior to 3 final designs) and mindmaps.

A good place to look for examples of fashion illustration for activewear is Behance. Two examples are given below.
Nichole Rodriguez                                                   Brianna Vizcaino

You will be working from fashion templates initially, but it is important that you develop your own visual language in this. The film below is a useful example of how to translate your given theme into a fashion idea.

Please also remember to refer to the information you have gathered in your trend analysis research.

Timescale for completion of this task:

By Wednesday 6 March, as you will need the designs to progress with your next task.
Checklist of evidence required

3 separate fashion illustrations which show the front and back of 3 different Hoodie designs. Each should include two colour illustrations (front and back of the garment), word processed annotation (design direction) and some space to apply the range of fabric samples/additions which you will make next.

Work for weeks 2 - 4 of this project and unit criteria coverage is detailed in the brief you have been issued with and will follow on the blog.

U6 - Graphics/3D Specialist Brief. First Tasks.

BTEC ASSIGNMENT BRIEF                                                                                                                                       
BTEC National Extended Diploma Art and Design

Unit Coverage

24 – Graphic Illustration
38 – Extending 3D Design Materials, Techniques and Processes

Assignment title

Insect Part 2 – Graphic Illustration/3D

Mr. I. Bicknell/Ms. V. Mason/Mrs. G. Bicknell/Miss. R. Rendell
Hand out date

25th February 2019
Hand in deadline

25th March 2019

Charlotte Wilcox - BTEC Student

Vocational Scenario or context

This project requires you to utilise your work from your Unit 4 Insect assignment as a starting point. The project is subdivided: in Part A you need to develop a brand identity for a product incorporating a logo within an illustrated promotional leaflet or set of postcards. You will need to explore colour, type, imagery, layout and use of strap lines in developing your designs. It is essential to analyse some examples of contemporary promotional illustration to deepen your understanding of the task.
Part B requires you to develop this idea into a 3D product prototype by selecting and exploring an appropriate 3D material and creating a well-crafted 3D model. This process needs to be supported by relevant research, experimentation with 3D media and evaluation of your process and outcome.


A design studio has commissioned you to think up a novel way of advertising their products.  You are asked to combine research and imagery from your recent Insect project with one of the products below and produce a either 4 sided leaflet or 4 postcards advertising your product themed around “Wasp”, “Scorpion”, “Spider” or “Beetle”.
You must advertise your products in new ways other than the traditional approach i.e.  perfume should not express glamour lifestyle.  Consider rather ideas associated with your selected insect such as AGGRESSION, ATTACK, SOCIAL NETWORKING, INVASION, DEFENCE, HOSTILITY, ARMOUR, SWARMING, POISON, BUZZING, POWER, PREDATOR, etc the characteristics that insects/arachnids possess. Your leaflet/cards should promote and advertise your product reflecting a clear sense of contemporary design.
Choose one of the following products and an associated strapline, combine this
Power tools
‘Technology Evolves’
‘Digital Machines for the Colony’
‘Strength in numbers, the Colony Builds’
‘Power for the Yellow Jackets’
‘Queen of the Colony’
‘Chemistry Attracts’
The Scent of the Hive
‘Desire for Danger’
‘New Visions, New World’
‘See the Future with new eyes ...’
‘Whatever your species is ...’
‘Extend your Vision’

In addition to this brief please refer to for additional guidance throughout the project.

This project will require a focussed and productive approach to successfully complete the attached units. Ensure that you concentrate on the tasks set and do not waste effort and time on other work, move promptly from one task to the next and ensure you meet the intermediate deadlines.

Part A

Task 1

Initial Research and Mind Mapping: This should build on work you carried out in Part 1 of the project, but needs to be specifically based on your chosen insect. The insect based tasks should be quick to complete, the product and illustrator research will need a little more thought:

·         Consider the idea of your chosen insect.  Write down words associated with this creatures - their character/behaviour as well as their physical appearance.  Words such as predator, sting, poison, danger, energy, warrior, industrious, worker, queen, drone, community, hive, nest.   Produce an extensive brainstorm.

·         Collect information and visuals on your insect, use Pinterest. Consider habitat, lifespan, diet, social interaction etc.

·         Research your chosen product – (powertools, perfume, sunglasses) find existing brands on the market, analyse how they are promoted. You should be commenting on use of logos, straplines, colour, imagery, style of typography, identify the target market and explain how the promotional material tries to appeal to this group. Include plenty of visuals and investigate at least 3 different versions of the product you have selected.

·         Look at the following article online choose one of the featured  illustrators and research their work. How do their illustrations target a specific market? Comment on similar aspects to those outlined in the product research task above, in addition you should analyse the media and techniques the illustrator employs. Identify different scenarios where illustration is used in a graphic context (e.g. billboards, book jackets, magazine articles, diagrams, music covers etc.), discuss what graphic illustration offers that differs from other formats of product promotion.
Timescale for completion of this task:

Alongside practical work during first week of project, finished by Friday 1st March.
Checklist of evidence required:

·         A page of thorough and imaginative mind-mapping specific to your chosen insect.
·         At least 2 pages of visuals and information regarding your insect, this should be collaged into your sketchbook and presented in a mood-board style.
·         Minimum 3 pages analysing existing versions of your selected product.
·         2 pages research into a graphic illustrator and the purposes of graphic illustration.

Task 2:

Visual Recording of your product through Photography, Drawing, Printmaking, Collage:
These images should all be produced with the final leaflet/set of cards in mind, these images need to be high quality and suitable for use in your outcome:
·         Take photos of your chosen product (powertool, perfume bottle, sunglasses).
·         Produce at least one sustained drawing and one print of your product.
·         Using one of these images alongside insect imagery from part 1 as the basis create 2 or more hand-made collages integrating type.

Timescale for completion of this task:

By Monday 3rd March.
Checklist of evidence required

·         Range of photos, contact sheet plus best shots printed larger.
·         High quality drawing based on your selected product.
·         A strong piece of printmaking based on your product.
·         2 sensitive pieces of collage based work incorporating your new imagery.

Work for weeks 2 - 4 of this project and unit criteria coverage is detailed in the brief you have been issued with and will follow on the blog.

U6 - New Project Brief: Portfolio Construction

ART & DESIGN DEPARTMENT – BTEC ASSIGNMENT BRIEF                                                                                       ...