Tuesday, January 22, 2019

U6 - Insect Project Checklist of work so far.

Ralph Steadman

By Monday 28th January you should have completed:
  • Insect mind map – 2 pages, rich with ideas, words, phrases associated with insects. Think literally and outside the box.
  • Visual mood-boarding 2-4 pages, rich collaged pages of imagery and snippets of information, dictionary definitions etc. on the insect theme. Use https://www.pinterest.co.uk/
  • Range of photos, contact sheet plus best shots printed larger. 20+ photos, best 4-6 printed at A5.
  • At least 2 sustained drawings in the sketchbook (pencil tonal and another media e.g. biro) look hard and record as much detail as you can + include photocopy inverts of these.
  • Large scale expressive drawings – ink and acrylic, charcoal mid-tone, photograph and print out for inclusion in the sketchbook.
Plus work to be completed through the rest of this week:
  • Photograms..
  • Monoprint/s.
  • A Gold Card print – plate cut and ready to print.
Prep Task:
  • 4 pages supporting research into an illustrator and a fine artist who explore different approaches to drawing. 
Choose one illustrator from:
  • Ralph Steadman, Dave McKean, Tim Burton.
And one Fine Artist from:
  • Egon Schiele, Alison Lambert, William Kentridge.
  • As usual with research this should be thoughtfully presented, include several good quality images of the Artist's drawings along with brief biographical detail and some in depth personal analysis and justified opinions that relate to specific works. Describe what you see and refer to the formal qualities such as use of line, tone, composition, mark-making, media, scale etc. 

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U6 - New Project Brief: Portfolio Construction

ART & DESIGN DEPARTMENT – BTEC ASSIGNMENT BRIEF                                                                                       ...