Friday, November 23, 2018

U6 Essay and mini Presentations update

So we are now all in the thick of Portfolio preparation, which is certainly going to keep you busy between now and the end of term.
Alongside this there is also the essay, although completion of this should largely be taking place as Prep now to maximise your studio time for folio work.
The essay deadline is Saturday 1st December.

You should now be analysing and justifying your exhibition selections and thinking about how you lay them out within a gallery space - you are the curator!
As well as your individual selections of 10 works remember we are also collaboratively creating a joint exhibition. For this related task you simply have to choose one Artwork from the time period you drew from the "hat". You'll need to email me a decent quality electronic image of your Artwork by the end of Wednesday 28th November, and think of a few words to say to justify your selection when we discuss these in P5 on Friday (maximum 5 minutes per person). It is fine (in fact makes sense) for your selected Artwork for the joint exhibition to also feature in your individual selection of 10 works.
To remind you of what time period you each need to research a piece from:

  • 1870 - 1885 Phich
  • 1886 - 1900 Aria
  • 1901 - 1915 Chiara
  • 1916 - 1930 Mr. Bicknell
  • 1931 - 1945 Mrs. Weare
  • 1946 - 1960 Amy
  • 1961 - 1975 Miss Pocock
  • 1976 - 1990 Mrs. Bicknell
  • 1991 - 2004 Charlie
  • 2005 - 2018 Yasemin
Don't forget we have Library research p2 and Yurt time p3 next Tuesday 27th November, which represents a great opportunity to prepare for Friday!

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U6 - New Project Brief: Portfolio Construction

ART & DESIGN DEPARTMENT – BTEC ASSIGNMENT BRIEF                                                                                       ...