Wednesday, November 7, 2018

U6 - Essay Assignment

Don't Cry - It's Essay Time! 😊
BTEC Extended Diploma
This project gives you a grounding in Modern Art History and the essay is great for taking to HE interviews.
Assignment Title:  “From Impressionism to the 21st Century”

Assignment Outline:
You are curating an exhibition: “From Impressionism to the 21st Century”
You may select only 10 works of Art for the exhibition.
Which 10 do you select? And what selection criteria do you use?
Through a process of research you need to familiarise yourselves with the development of visual Art over the last 130 years. There will be a series of lectures to help you to achieve this.
Once you have some background knowledge you need to use your own judgement to select the 10 Artworks that you feel summarise the developments in Art since 1870.
Give careful consideration to your selection policy. Do you select by Artist or Artwork? Or do you select the works by considering the 10 most important Art Movements of modern times?
Do you select the 10 works according to how influential they have been? [In which case you may choose works which may be of dubious Artistic merit (Duchamp’s fountain), or which are not necessarily the ‘best’ work of an Artist (Kandinsky’s first abstract watercolour)]. Or, for the purposes of this exhibition, is the individual merit of each Artwork more important than its historical ‘status’?
Once you have made your final selection, you will need to analyse each work in detail and justify your choices.

Please read these guidelines carefully, and follow them closely.
Length: 2500 – 3000 words (excluding bibliography, list of quotations etc.)
PresentationWord-process your essay (Use a version of Microsoft Word, or Word for Mac).
Use spell check.
Include a word count.
Use an easily read/plain font at size 12.
·         Include a cover sheet that gives the assignment title and your name.
·         Number your pages.
·         Consider layout and presentation of text carefully, don’t use tiny or hard to read fonts.
·   Include a contents page giving page numbers for each section of your essay (Introduction, Artworks included in the Exhibition, Conclusion, Bibliography).
·         Include good quality illustrations of all your chosen Artworks, and ensure these are integrated into the text at relevant points. Either scan from textbooks or cut and paste illustrations from websites.
·         Bind your final essay.

Divide your essay into sections, using the following subheadings:

·         Include an introduction, in which you carefully explain your selection criteria. (Approx. 200 words).

Artworks included in the exhibition.
For each Artwork you have selected provide commentary that addresses the following points:
1.      Full factual information relating to the Artwork – when it was produced, by whom, scale and media; identify if the Artwork is associated with a particular movement.
2.      Visual Analysis, discuss each Artwork in terms of technique, use of colour, composition and atmosphere/mood.
3.      Theoretical information – What influenced the Artist? What social, political or personal references (if any) was the Artist making with the work? How did the Artwork influence future generations of visual Artists?
4.      Your personal response to each work. Justify your reasons for selecting it. This should be an informed personal view, resulting from your research into the work and your understanding of the Artist’s intentions in producing it.
·   Avoid plagiarism. If you are using information from a source either include it as a quotation or substantially reword your source. If plagiarism was discovered in an academic piece like this would result in automatic failure.
·         Back up points you make by using quotations from Artists or critics. An essay of this length should contain 8-15 quotations, you cannot pass this assignment if you do not use quotes.
“Artworks included in the exhibition” should form the bulk of your essay (2000-2400 words),
200-240 words per Artwork.

·        Use your Conclusion to explain why you think your selection of ten images provides an effective snapshot of the developments within the visual Arts since impressionism. How do the images work together? Do they combine smoothly or provide dramatic contrasts? Using your conclusion to describe a viewer’s experience as they walk through the exhibition is an effective way of structuring this section.
·    You need to produce an accompanying diagram that illustrates the floorplan/layout of your exhibition, this should help you to describe the viewer’s experience.

·         Ensure you credit the sources of all your Quotations. Do this via a list of quotations after your conclusion or in a footnote at the bottom of each page where you use a quotation.
·         In the text quotes should begin on a new line, and be in italics. Number each quote in sequence.
·  Quotations must be integrated into the main text of your essay, not presented separately.
·      When you list your quotes ensure you give the author of source, title or web address of source, and page reference if appropriate. e.g.
1. Berger, John. Success and Failure of Picasso. p.87
If you cannot identify an author for a source just give the publication name or website address. 

·  Include a Bibliography
 listing all the books, magazine or newspaper articles, websites, galleries, TV or Film sources you used in writing your essay (the more sources the better).
·        In the bibliography list printed sources first (books, newspaper and periodical articles). List these sources in alphabetical order, by author’s surname, then state title, publisher, and date of publication [these details are usually found near the front of a book]), e.g.
Berger, John. Success and Failure of Picasso. Penguin books, 1965.
After books make a separate list of websites used in researching your essay, include full url and details of Author if available.

Stage One
·         By Saturday 17.11.2018 send an email to: that includes:  
1.       A list of your 10 selections for the exhibition.
2.     A list of relevant initial sources that you have identified (at least 3 books/articles and 3 websites).
· You will receive feedback on your choices via email to help you to complete your essay.

Stage Two
· Write and illustrate your essay using the checklist to ensure you meet all the submission requirements.
·         Print out final version.
·         Get your essay suitably bound.
·         Hand in completed and bound essay by Saturday 1st December.  

Assessment Criteria
You will be marked on how effectively your essay:
·         Shows clear understanding of developments in the visual Arts since 1870.
·         Presents well researched findings in the designated format.
·         Expresses opinions supported by images and quotations from established sources.

Suggested Resources:
·               The School and Art Department Libraries for books and periodicals.
·               Gallery/exhibition visits.
·               The Internet.

In order to pass this assignment you must ensure your work covers all the bullet points in the following list.

Have you…
  • Word-processed your assignment using “Word”?
  • Included a title page, with your name and the assignment title?

    • Included a contents page detailing page numbers for each section of your essay?

      • Numbered your pages?

        • Thoroughly spell checked your whole assignment?

          • Proof read the whole essay carefully, to ensure meaning is clear throughout?

            • Avoided excessive repetition?

              • Avoided excessive biographical information?

                • Included an introduction?

                  • Used your introduction to explain your selection criteria?

                    • Included at least 8 quotations in your text?

                      • Headed your main text: Artworks included in the Exhibition.

                        • Integrated illustrations of each selected Artwork into your Essay?

                          • Sub-headed each Artwork selected with the Artist’s name and the title of the Artwork.

                            • Included full factual information for each Artwork? Date, Artist, scale, media - where available.

                              • Provided visual analysis of each Artwork selected? (Technique, colour, composition, mood etc.)

                                • Given your own opinion on each Artwork, and explained your reasons for selecting it?

                                  • Selected and commented on 10 works of Art?

                                    • Avoided lifting sections directly from your sources? You must either substantially reword passages or use quotations.

                                      • Included a conclusion in which you compare and contrast the Artworks in your exhibition?

                                        • Included a floorplan diagram of your intended exhibition layout.

                                          • Included a word count of your main text? (Needs to be between 2500 and 3000 words).

                                            • Credited the sources of each one of your numbered quotations via footnotes or a list of quotations
                                            • Included a bibliography of sources that includes at least 3 books and 3 websites you have referred to. (See the brief for guidance on how to list your bibliography).
                                            • Bound your essay suitably?

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