Saturday, September 8, 2018

Upper 6th - Architectural Forms Week 1 Checklist.

It has been great to meet you all this week and introduce the proposed course delivery changes to you. You have all shown good skills in getting started on the Architectural drawings (with some challenging subject matter), next week we need to really accelerate and start to generate our imagery through a range of techniques.
By Monday 10th September you should have completed the following:
  • A broad range of photographs from modern Architecture (around the school or further afield) - if you are not yet satisfied with your source imagery so far then take some more! Strong source imagery is essential. All your photos should be printed as thumbnail contact sheets and a selection (at least 6) at a larger scale - A5 or A4. Mount your photography in your sketchbook and annotate briefly assessing strengths and weaknesses of your images.
  • A well finished sustained tonal pencil drawing (at least A4 scale) based on your Architectural photos, this should represent at least 3 hours worth of intensive work. If this has not been completed in class this now needs to be finished as a Prep task.
  • 4 pages of research into 2 modern Architects, see blogpost below for guidance (Prep task).
Optional extension task:

  • Additional drawing in other media, such as fine liner or biro.
Next week we will look to tackle:
Expressive drawing techniques (large and small scale work), photocopier and possibly photoshop manipulations of our drawings, begin some printmaking (monoprint and gold card relief).

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U6 - New Project Brief: Portfolio Construction

ART & DESIGN DEPARTMENT – BTEC ASSIGNMENT BRIEF                                                                                       ...