Thursday, September 27, 2018

U6 - Planning Project Outcomes

Architectural Monoprint 

Project Outcomes:

As you complete the Collage stage you should start thinking ahead towards planning your project outcome. The format of this is down to you, it just needs to be inspired and visually informed by Modern Architecture and fall within the broad definition of Fine Art.
This could mean paintings, large scale mixed media work, sculpture, a series of prints, animations, books of illustrations, film.
The piece might be an extension of things we have already tackled in the project (a more ambitious collage or drawing for example) or it might explore an altogether different creative area.

There should be clear planning for your final piece in your sketchbook, so this means both annotation and imagery outlining your intentions. The nature of the imagery will depend on what you are planning, but it could take the form of painted studies, photos of 3D maquettes, sketches or many other things.
You should be aiming to complete this planning (over several sketchbook pages) over the next few days, so that we are ready to start working on project outcomes by the end of next week. If you have particular material requirements for your final piece then talk to staff so we can start organising these now.

As you begin work on outcomes next week remember to record your progress so you can include photos and imagery of the creative journey you take with this piece.

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ART & DESIGN DEPARTMENT – BTEC ASSIGNMENT BRIEF                                                                                       ...