Thursday, September 20, 2018

U6 Architecture Project Update and Checklist

Digital Collage
So to recap on what you should have for the Architecture project so far (all this should be properly mounted and briefly annotated explaining processes and analysing the success of the images you have created):
  • A selection of photos of modern Architecture (around school and elsewhere), print contact sheets of your shoot and include 8 - 12 of the best shots printed out at A4 or A5 scale.
  • At least one fully finished full page sustained careful pencil tonal drawing from your Architectural photos (this should represent at least 3 hours work). 
  • A set of timed expressive drawings.
  • Photocopier experiments with your drawings and prints (inverts, colour adjustments).
  • A Gold Card print based on your College photos.
  • At least 4 pages of research into 2 contemporary Architects (see the project brief below for names). Include background information and analysis of some specific buildings/projects. Discuss materials, aesthetics (form) and function. Include good reproductions of the Architect's work and take care over presentation.
  • At least one A3 sustained and detailed monoprint based on a Architectural photograph.
  • Research into at least one Artist who uses paper engineering in their work, references here
  • One hand cut white card building, ready for "paper city" shoot.
  • Research into Michael Goro's printmaking to support studio work (Prep).
  • Threshold photoshop images via Firefly to Mrs. Bicknell in readiness for screenprinting.
All this work should be completed to a high standard by Tuesday 25th September when we will share our progress in a class crit session.
Next Tasks:
  • Completion of laser cut buildings with Miss Corrigan for "paper city" shoot.
  • "Paper City" shoot in photographic studio next week with Mr. Bicknell.
  • Digital manipulation of "Paper City" Shots and printing of best images (Mr. Bicknell).
  • Screen printing with Mrs. Bicknell.
  • Laura Slater research to support screenprinting work.
  • Further exploration of monoprinting with Ms. Mason.
Extension Suggestions:
  • Research a second paper engineering Artist.
  • Additional drawings using other media - fine liner, biro etc. 

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U6 - New Project Brief: Portfolio Construction

ART & DESIGN DEPARTMENT – BTEC ASSIGNMENT BRIEF                                                                                       ...