National Extended Diploma Art and Design
Unit Coverage
and skills acquisition project - Work essential for your progression
Assignment title
Tools Part 2
I. Bicknell/Mrs. V. Mason/Mrs. G. Bicknell/Miss. L. Corrigan
Hand out date
September 2018
Hand in deadline
November 2018
Vocational Scenario or context
This project builds upon the skills and imagery that you have
generated in Tools Part 1 and presents an opportunity to further develop your
drawing, printing and mark-making, to come to a better understanding of
colour and composition and to work in both controlled and expressive
ways. It also offers the opportunity to manipulate materials in the
process of exploring 3 dimensional forms.
Tools Part 2 is divided into two sections. The first requires you to
work in your sketchbooks to explore 2-dimensional space, form & line,
layered shapes, mark-making, surface quality, colour, composition &
layout and to develop an awareness of good design and composition using the
shapes found within your tool imagery as a starting point.
The second requires you to interpret your 2 dimensional designs/
images into 3 dimensional forms using abstraction and to explore the
language, techniques and materials of 3 -dimensional design (3DD) and
In both sections you will study various artists in order to enhance
your working practice and place the project into a relevant historical
Materials, equipment & resources
Pencil, fine-liner, biro, paint, pastel, collage, photo-shop,
photocopy, acetate, ink, relief printing.
Card, paper, glue guns etc.
In addition to this brief please refer to
for additional guidance throughout the project.
Task 1
Using pencil/fine-liner/biro or pen
& ink, experiment with the tool forms as compositional elements to
produce several different designs/images. Start by using the tool
outlines only and create several overlay examples (see Jasper Johns numbers).
You might return to photography to
get additional images that focus on the forms found in your tools to help
build your compositions.
Next explore more ideas based on
your selected tools imagery by considering the following: changes of scale,
symmetry & non-symmetry, positive and negative shapes and close cropping
so that only part of the tool is visible.
Now start to play with some of this
imagery by working into the negative and positive shapes with different types
of mark making to create lively and interesting surface effects and a sense
of depth and perspective. Your surfaces could be very expressive with an
emphasis on fine art painting/ collage mark making etc or they could be more
graphic. Look at repetition and pattern, or combine both. An illusion
of space can be created by considering the scale, weight and density of
marks, and their relationship to areas of solid and void.
Produce research into Jasper Johns,
this research should be presented carefully over at least 2 sketchbook pages,
find relevant images of his work (the number overlay drawings and paintings) and
analyse these alongside providing background information and a visual
response in appropriate media.
Timescale for completion of this
Complete by Monday 24th
Weekly class crit, peer and teacher
verbal feedback.
Task 2:
Select the strongest of your
drawings and start to introduce colour. You may work on the whole design or
take a section and enlarge it. Explore the use of the following colour
mediums: paint, oil pastel, and mixed
media collage. You will be shown any new techniques as you progress.
Explore your compositions by
devoting some time to cutting and printing a detailed gold-card relief print.
Now take the development further:
photocopy some of your images onto paper and acetate; play with scale,
inversion etc. Look at cutting away, layering and overlay to create collages.
Scan some of your images into the computer and manipulate further using
Timescale for completion of this
By Monday 1st October
Weekly class crit, peer and teacher verbal
Task 3:
Look at the 3D relief sculptures of
Frank Stella and complete at least 2 pages of research that analyses specific
works by Stella.
Using the work of Frank Stella as
inspiration take strong positive and
negative shapes from your tool drawings/designs and then cut-out, raise
and interlock shapes to produce a ‘relief’ version of your image from card.
Take a series of carefully lit
photographs of your 3D relief piece and edit the best of these for inclusion
in your sketchbook.
Developing from your relief make a
series of design sketches exploring how you might develop the tool forms from
your relief and drawings into fully 3 dimensional elements. These should be
abstracted sections from your tools rather than trying to make full 3D
reconstructions of the whole tool.
Timescale for completion of this
By Monday 8th September
class crit, peer and teacher verbal feedback.
Task 4:
You are now expected to produce a
final, well finished 3 dimensional piece that will demonstrate a refined
application of the materials and techniques that you have experimented with
in the previous week. When you move into fully 3D construction the precision
of your measuring, cutting and sticking becomes all important. You will need
to ensure that your final piece works well from all angles. This sculpture
should be no larger than approximately 50cm in any direction.
Ensure you obtain good photographs
of your final piece and include these in your sketchbook. When taking these
photos you should use a plain clean background and again consider lighting,
viewpoint, details etc.
From the photos of your final
sculpture complete a sustained tonal piece of drawing on a full page of your
Complete a word-processed project
evaluation (further guidance on this will be issued).
Timescale for completion of this
Complete by Wednesday 24th
October. Hand in for summative assessment.
feedback and indicative marks returned straight after half term.
of information
support you with this
Refer to
at regular intervals throughout the project for more detailed guidance on
specific tasks, extension activities and useful links.
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