Tuesday, September 17, 2019

L6 - Research Prep for Part 2 of Tools Project

Jasper Johns 
  • Complete 2 pages of research into the letter/number inspired works of Jasper Johns - try to find a range of his images in this style, so ideally some drawings/prints and some paintings.
  • As always with research consider layout carefully, keep pages busy and visually stimulating. Get good size reproductions of relevant works by Johns. The written content is also important, provide a brief section of background information about the Artist, but make sure you go on to analyse individual works in some detail.
  • Comment on use of media/technique, and formal elements such as use of line, tone, colour (where relevant) and composition.
  • Research the intentions behind this series of works - what was Jasper Johns trying to explore?
    Frank Stella, relief sculpture.
In addition to inform the 3D phase of the project produce 2 pages of research into the 3D relief work of Frank Stella, the work we are doing in class forms the visual response, but you need to build an awareness of his techniques. You should be getting familiar with the format of research - you'll need brief background information about the Artist for context, good reproductions and analysis of some specific works, offering your own opinions and referring to formal elements such as technique, colour, form etc. 

This research should be complete by Monday 23rd September.

Friday, September 13, 2019

L6 - Tools Project Checklist

Great to see all of you getting stuck in at the start of the course, to help you keep track of where you should be at with your current Tools project here is a checklist of work you should have complete by Monday 16th September.
  • A range of photos of your tool - thumbnail prints of all your shots (20+) should be included in your sketchbook and 4 - 6 of your best shots printed off at A5 or A4 scale. Brief annotation identifying why you consider particular shots successful should also be present.
  • A completed sustained tonal drawing from your tool photos done in pencil - this should be at least A4 in scale and represent 3+ hours worth of work.
  • A1 charcoal and chalk drawing done in class, photographed for inclusion in book and briefly annotated.
  • Prep task research into Jim Dine (tool drawings) and Florian Nicolle (collages) over at least 4 pages (see additional guidance in previous post) and include at least one visual response in appropriate media.
  • Florian Nicolle style collage piece done in class
  • Gold card prints and plate mounted in sketchbook with brief annotation about the process.
  • Monoprints, again with appropriate notes.
  • Acetate collage, using coloured papers on reverse of a copy of one of your prints, worked into with stitch.
If you have completed all that the following are suggested extension tasks:
  • Additional tool drawings exploring different media/approaches (e.g. Biro, fine liner, expressive).
  • Collage experiments - use copies of your existing work, layer up and work into with additional media.
Next week we will be focusing on more collage, digital manipulation of some of the imagery we have produced so far, and then turning our thoughts towards developing ideas and abstracted compositions for our collaborative piece of public art. This will include research into the overlaid letter/number compositions of Jasper Johns and the coloured relief sculptures of Frank Stella.

We will collect in sketchbooks next week for interim assessment and feedback before moving on the public art section of the brief.

Saturday, September 7, 2019

U6 - Paper City, supporting research

Ingrid Siliakus

In preparation for the paper city work you will be starting with Mr. Dodd you need to research at least one Artist who uses paper engineering in their work, there are a range of names you could find out more about in this article. 
2 pages with plenty of good imagery, some background information, personal opinion (justify what you say) and pay particular attention to analysing technique, you are about to do some of this yourselves, so understanding how others have used this worked in this media is the essential part.
Also check out www.popupology.co.uk and www.Pop-Up-Geometric-Origami for ideas and tips on practical paper engineering before you create your own buildings.

U6 Architecture - Paper City Maciek Janicki

Sunday, September 1, 2019

U6 - Modern Architect Research

Initial Research:
At least 4 pages of research into 2 contemporary Architects. Include background information (date of birth, some of the people they have worked for/with - OK to get this information from reliable online sources, but please credit them) and go on to give personal analysis of some specific buildings/projects. Discuss materials (glass, steel, concrete etc.), aesthetics (form) and function. Give your views on the buildings, but avoid simple value judgements (‘I really like/dislike…’) or vague, meaningless statements (’This piece is really effective’). Comment upon how successful or unsuccessful you find the architecture, and give specific reasons why you hold your opinions.
Include good reproductions of the Architect's work and take care over visual presentation. Some potential Architects you might investigate include: Richard Rogers, Norman Foster, Nicholas Grimshaw, Frank Gehry, Cesar Pelli, Mario Botta, Renzo Piano, Shigeru Ban, Daniel Libeskind, Santiago Calatrava, Zaha Hadid, Thomas Heatherwick. 

This should be completed by Monday 9th September as we will look at it together in class.

Santiago Calatrava

Frank Gehry

Thomas Heatherwick

Zaha Hadid

L6 - Tools Project Supporting Research

For Prep you need to research the Artist's detailed below,  You should complete this work by Monday 9th September at the latest. We will look at the work in class as a group.

Two pages of research into the Tool drawings of Jim Dine and the same for the mixed media collage work of Florian Nicolle - find good reproductions of their work, give a brief bit of background information about each Artist, provide some analysis and personal opinion on at least 2 specific images by each of them (guidance below) and make a visual response of your own to one of the Artist’s work (this should be an interpretation of YOUR TOOL in the style of your chosen Artist, not just a copy of one of their images).

Jim Dine
Florian Nicolle 02 23 Peppy Illustrations Drawn By Florian Nicolle
Florian Nicolle

  1. Title your pages with the Artist’s name, you might consider using fonts available online from sites such as www.dafont.com

  2. Find good examples of Dine's tool drawings and Nicolle's collages – not tiny jpegs that print out pixellated, print at around A5 scale (quarter of a sketchbook page).

  3. Give a little background information on each Artist, when they were born, do they belong to a particular Artistic movement?

  4. If possible include quotations from the Artists. www.artquotes.net is good for widely known Artists (Nicolle may be harder to get this for).


  1. Give a detailed description of the artwork.

  2. Analyse – comment upon use of colour, composition, technique/media, scale, line etc.


  1. Give an opinion on the Artworks, but ensure you justify what you say. Avoid simple value judgements (‘I really like/dislike…’) or vague, meaningless statements (’This piece is really effective’). Comment upon how successful or unsuccessful you find the artwork, and give specific reasons why you hold this opinion - e.g. "I find this drawing particularly successful because of the way Dine's dramatic use of tone around the tool emphasises the simple forms". 

  2. What is the relationship between this work and the work you are undertaking? Identify and explain connections between this artist’s work and your own.


  1. This should be an interpretation of YOUR TOOL in the style of one of the Artists, not just a copy of one of their images. Use appropriate media.


  1. Take pride in the overall presentation of your research, it should not be rushed. Consider each element carefully:  type, layout, titles, visual responses etc.

L6 - Tools Photography Guidance

For the Tool drawings, prints and technique work you will be starting this week you will need a range of photographs of hand tools. Getting images of a variety of tools will provide valuable imagery for later in the project.  Try to create dynamic imagery by choosing interesting tools.  
More complex tools with some moving parts are particularly effective. Try shots of single tools and small groups/arrangements of tools.
Make your photos as dramatic and interesting as possible, use a clean background that doesn't distract from the Tool. Zoom in, choose unusual angles and consider cropping and viewpoint carefully. You should set up directional lighting (torch or anglepoise lamp) that allows you to create cast shadows and distinctive highlights.
Take at least 20 shots and print 4 - 6 of the best at A4 or A5 scale for inclusion in your sketchbook. 
Here are a few sample shots to give you the idea:


ART & DESIGN DEPARTMENT – BTEC ASSIGNMENT BRIEF                                                                                                                                                                        
BTEC National Extended Diploma Art and Design

Unit Coverage
12 Fine Art Materials, Techniques and Processes
42 Printmaking
Assignment title

Architectural Forms

Mr. I. Bicknell/Mrs. V. Mason/Mrs. G. Bicknell/Mrs. J. Matthews/Mr. J. Dodd
Hand out date

03 September 2019
Hand in deadline

04 November 2019

Vocational Scenario or context

You need to explore imagery and ideas connected to the theme of Modern Architecture and produce an original Artwork as the conclusion of this investigation for inclusion in a group exhibition that demonstrates a variety of creative interpretations of the Architectural theme.
We will be generating 2D and 3D responses to modern architecture. We will begin the project by producing observational drawing from primary sources such as the school architecture and prep photos taken in city environments.
Once we have accumulated adequate primary material we will begin to develop responses using drawing, collage and 3D maquettes. 
We will also pay particular attention to responding to our imagery through printmaking to allow us to satisfy Unit 42. This will include developing one more substantial piece of printmaking that pushes one of the printmaking techniques explored further. 
After a thorough exploration of our imagery we will conclude our investigation by developing and producing one ambitious independent outcome in a Fine Art discipline. This outcome can be figurative or abstracted and can be in either 2 or 3 dimensions.
Throughout the project we will enrich our practical work with research into relevant modern Architects, and Artists whose work has been influenced by Architecture.
In addition to this brief please refer to https://btecartanddesignblog.blogspot.com/ for additional guidance throughout the project.

Task 1

Initial Research:
At least 4 pages of research into 2 contemporary Architects. Include background information and personal analysis of some specific buildings/projects. Discuss materials, aesthetics (form) and function and give your views on the buildings, make sure you explain and justify the opinions you express.
Include good reproductions of the Architect's work and take care over visual presentation. Some potential Architects you might investigate include: Richard Rogers, Norman Foster, Nicholas Grimshaw, Frank Gehry, Cesar Pelli, Mario Botta, Renzo Piano, Shigeru Ban, Daniel Libeskind, Santiago Calatrava, Zaha Hadid. 

Timescale for completion of this task:

Alongside practical work during first week of project, finished by Monday 9th September.
Checklist of evidence required:

4 pages of analytical research, with imagery.


Weekly class crit, peer and teacher verbal feedback.
Criteria covered by this task:

This task provides essential background knowledge for the project.

Task 2:

·         A wide selection of photos from Modern Architecture, (hopefully you have some from the Art Trip and your Summer break - these can be supplemented if required from the school Architecture) print contact sheets of your shoots and include the best shots printed out at A4 or A5 scale.
Timescale for completion of this task:

By Wednesday 4th September, as you will need the imagery to progress with other tasks.
Checklist of evidence required

Contact sheets and larger prints from City and School architecture, saved digitally and printed for inclusion in the sketchbook (contact sheets + larger shots).


Weekly class crit, peer and teacher verbal feedback.

Criteria covered by this task:

Evidence towards:
Unit 12
A.P2, A.M2, A.D1

Unit criteria reference
To achieve the criteria you must show that you are able to:
Unit 12  A.P2
Demonstrate a limited exploration into the materials, techniques and processes used in fine art.
Unit 12  A.M2
Demonstrate a confident exploration into the materials, techniques and processes used in fine art.
Unit 12  A.D1
Demonstrate an in-depth and imaginative exploration into the materials, techniques and processes used in fine art.

Task  3:

  • At least one full page sustained careful pencil tonal drawing from your photos (this should represent at least 3 hours work). Choose a complex composition that will challenge you.
  • A set of rapid expressive drawings - we will complete these as a class exercise.
  • A1 expressive drawing in Charcoal and Chalk.
Timescale for completion of this task:

All drawing should be complete by Wednesday 11th September

Checklist of evidence required

·         Sustained pencil drawing.
·         Set of timed expressive drawings.
      A1 Charcoal and Chalk Drawing.


Weekly class crit, peer and teacher verbal feedback.
Criteria covered by this task:

Unit criteria reference
To achieve the criteria you must show that you are able to:
Unit 12  A.P2
Demonstrate a limited exploration into the materials, techniques and processes used in fine art.
Unit 12  A.M2
Demonstrate a confident exploration into the materials, techniques and processes used in fine art.
Unit 12  A.D1
Demonstrate an in-depth and imaginative exploration into the materials, techniques and processes used in fine art.
Unit 12  B.P3
Demonstrate some development of ideas in response to a brief.
Unit 12  B.P4
Apply basic fine art materials, techniques and processes to produce a fine art response to a brief.
Unit 12  B.M3
Apply fine art materials, techniques and processes creatively to produce a fine art response to a brief.
Unit 12  B.D2
Demonstrate a consistently imaginative approach in the application of fine art materials, techniques and processes.

Task 4:
(Tasks 4 - 6 will run simultaneously with different members of the staff team)

Printmaking and supporting research:

  • Produce a range of monoprints – both sustained and rapid expressive pieces.
  • Cut and print a gold card relief plate, exploring the potential of the different forms of markmaking achievable in this media.
  • Complete a monotype (reduction) print.
  • Develop a screen print using multiple images and colours, utilising the screen exposure facilities. Produce a series of prints from your screen/s.
  • Having explored several printmaking techniques you now need to develop a more independent and substantial printed piece using one or more of the approaches you have experimented with. 
  • To support the practical printmaking you will undertake you need to research printmaking in the work of an Artists (such as Michael Goro, Laura Slater), analyse and evaluate their work, include good reproductions and present thoughtfully over at least 4 sketchbook pages.
  • In your own work explain, analyse and evaluate the processes you have employed and the purpose of the images you have created.

Timescale for completion of this task:

As we are covering the printmaking unit in this project we will dedicate significant time to exploring printmaking technique. Printmaking work should be completed and mounted into sketchbooks by Friday 11th October.

Checklist of evidence required

·         Sustained and expressive monoprints.
·         Gold card plate cut and prints taken from it.
·         Monotype reduction print.
·         Screenprints.
·         Research into the prints of 2 established printmakers (4 sketchbook pages)


Weekly class crit, peer and teacher verbal feedback.
Criteria covered by this task:

Unit criteria reference
To achieve the criteria you must show that you are able to:

Unit 42  A.P1
Explain how printmaking media, techniques and processes can be used to communicate creative intentions
Unit 42  A.M1
Analyse how printmaking media, techniques and processes are used to communicate creative intentions.
Unit 42  A.D1
Demonstrate in-depth and innovative explorations into printmaking media, techniques and processes, evaluating how they are used to communicate creative intentions.
Unit 42  B.P3
Demonstrate limited development of ideas in response to a brief.
Unit 42  B.P4
Apply basic printmaking media, techniques and processes to produce creative intentions in response to a brief.
Unit 42  B.M3
Select and apply printmaking media, techniques and processes effectively to show clear development of ideas and creative intentions in response to a brief.
Unit 42  B.D2
Demonstrate an innovative application of printmaking media, techniques and processes to show how the development of ideas produced creative intentions that responded imaginatively to a brief.

Task 5:

3D Papercraft and supporting research:
In this task we will be producing a collaborative 3D Artwork, we will research papercraft techniques and practitioners and construct (through both hand-cutting and laser cutting) a series of paper Architectural models.
We will then combine our models to create a “Paper City”, which will provide opportunities to take some striking photographic imagery. 

Timescale for completion of this task:

Complete and present work in sketchbooks by Friday 11th October.

Checklist of evidence required

·         At least 2 buildings constructed as your contribution towards the Paper City.
·         A series of photos taken and printed from the complete paper city arrangement.
·         Analytical research into paper construction technique and a practitioner of the craft.


Weekly class crit, peer and teacher verbal feedback.
Criteria covered by this task:

Unit criteria reference
To achieve the criteria you must show that you are able to:
Unit 12  A.P1
Explain how 2D, 3D and digital materials, techniques and processes have been used to produce fine art pieces.
Unit 12  A.M1
Analyse how 2D, 3D and digital materials, techniques and processes have been used to produce fine art pieces.
Unit 12  A.D1
Demonstrate an in-depth and imaginative exploration into the materials, techniques and processes used in fine art.
Unit 12  A.P2
Demonstrate a limited exploration into the materials, techniques and processes used in fine art.
Unit 12  A.M2
Demonstrate a confident exploration into the materials, techniques and processes used in fine art.
Unit 12  A.D1
Demonstrate an in-depth and imaginative exploration into the materials, techniques and processes used in fine art.
Unit 12  B.P3
Demonstrate some development of ideas in response to a brief.
Unit 12  B.P4
Apply basic fine art materials, techniques and processes to produce a fine art response to a brief.
Unit 12  B.M3
Apply fine art materials, techniques and processes creatively to produce a fine art response to a brief.
Unit 12  B.D2
Demonstrate a consistently imaginative approach in the application of fine art materials, techniques and processes.

Task 6:

Mixed Media Collage and supporting research:
Using imagery you have generated in the project so far (photos, drawings, prints) combined with other elements and media we will be creating a series of mixed media collages on the Architectural theme. We will then be scanning some of these and developing them further with digital manipulation.
This work will be informed by analytical research into one or more Artists or Illustrators who employ mixed media collage in their practice.

Timescale for completion of this task:

By Friday 11th October.
Checklist of evidence required

·         At least 4 mixed media collages.
·         2 or more digital developments from your collages.
·         2 pages analytical research on a mixed media Artist/Illustrator.


Weekly class crit, peer and teacher verbal feedback.
Criteria covered by this task:

Unit criteria reference
To achieve the criteria you must show that you are able to:
Unit 12  A.P1
Explain how 2D, 3D and digital materials, techniques and processes have been used to produce fine art pieces.
Unit 12  A.M1
Analyse how 2D, 3D and digital materials, techniques and processes have been used to produce fine art pieces.
Unit 12  A.D1
Demonstrate an in-depth and imaginative exploration into the materials, techniques and processes used in fine art.
Unit 12  A.P2
Demonstrate a limited exploration into the materials, techniques and processes used in fine art.
Unit 12  A.M2
Demonstrate a confident exploration into the materials, techniques and processes used in fine art.
Unit 12  A.D1
Demonstrate an in-depth and imaginative exploration into the materials, techniques and processes used in fine art.
Unit 12  B.P3
Demonstrate some development of ideas in response to a brief.
Unit 12  B.P4
Apply basic fine art materials, techniques and processes to produce a fine art response to a brief.
Unit 12  B.M3
Apply fine art materials, techniques and processes creatively to produce a fine art response to a brief.
Unit 12  B.D2
Demonstrate a consistently imaginative approach in the application of fine art materials, techniques and processes.

Task 7:

Plan, develop and realise an original Fine Art outcome:
As the culmination of your project you need to develop and produce an original Fine Art outcome based on the Architectural theme. You need to produce evidence (sketches, notes, maquettes etc.) of your developmental process and complete an ambitious and well resolved final piece. This might be a development from techniques we have explored earlier in the project (e.g. a larger scale collage work) or follow more of an independent direction, it does need to fit somewhere in the broad spectrum of what is interpreted as Fine Art though.

Timescale for completion of this task:

To be completed for Final submission straight after the half term break:
Monday 4th November.

Checklist of evidence required

·         Sketchbook with visual planning and annotation clearly indicating your intentions for your final piece.
·         A well resolved project outcome.


Weekly class crit, peer and teacher verbal feedback, during development stages.
Formal Summative Unit Assessment with feedback provided after final submission date.

Criteria covered by this task:

Unit criteria reference
To achieve the criteria you must show that you are able to:
Unit 12  A.P1
Explain how 2D, 3D and digital materials, techniques and processes have been used to produce fine art pieces.
Unit 12  A.M1
Analyse how 2D, 3D and digital materials, techniques and processes have been used to produce fine art pieces.
Unit 12  A.D1
Demonstrate an in-depth and imaginative exploration into the materials, techniques and processes used in fine art.
Unit 12  A.P2
Demonstrate a limited exploration into the materials, techniques and processes used in fine art.
Unit 12  A.M2
Demonstrate a confident exploration into the materials, techniques and processes used in fine art.
Unit 12  A.D1
Demonstrate an in-depth and imaginative exploration into the materials, techniques and processes used in fine art.
Unit 12  B.P3
Demonstrate some development of ideas in response to a brief.
Unit 12  B.P4
Apply basic fine art materials, techniques and processes to produce a fine art response to a brief.
Unit 12  B.M3
Apply fine art materials, techniques and processes creatively to produce a fine art response to a brief.
Unit 12  B.D2
Demonstrate a consistently imaginative approach in the application of fine art materials, techniques and processes.

Task 7:

Project Evaluation:
To accompany your final submission you need to complete a word processed evaluation for each unit, these need to reflect on all aspects of the project you have completed and identify ways in which you might go on to develop your Fine Art and printmaking skills further.

Timescale for completion of this task:

To be completed for Final submission straight after the half term break:
Monday 4th November.

Checklist of evidence required

·         Word processed evaluations for each Unit 800 – 1000 words each.


Marked as part of Formal Summative Unit Assessment with feedback provided after final submission date.

Criteria covered by this task:

Unit criteria reference
To achieve the criteria you must show that you are able to:
Unit 12  C.P5
Explain how the application of fine art materials, techniques and processes met own creative intentions.
Unit 12  C.P6
Explain how fine art practice can be further developed.
Unit 12  C.M4
Analyse how the application of fine art materials, techniques and processes met own creative intentions, with suggestions on how to further develop fine art practice.
Unit 12  C.D3
Evaluate how far the application of fine art materials, techniques and processes met own  creative intentions, making thorough suggestions on how to further develop fine art practice.
Unit 42  C.P5
Explain how own selection and application of printmaking media, techniques and processes produced a response to the brief.
Unit 42  C.P6
Explain how own printmaking practice can be further developed.
Unit 42  C.M4
Analyse how own selection and application of printmaking media, techniques and processes produced a response to the brief, making detailed suggestions for how printmaking practice can be further developed.
Unit 42  C.D3
Evaluate how your exploration and application of printmaking media, techniques and processes produced a response to the brief, making in-depth and insightful suggestions for how own printmaking practice can be further developed.

Sources of information
to support you with this

Refer to https://btecartanddesignblog.blogspot.com/ at regular intervals throughout the project for more detailed guidance on specific tasks and useful links.


U6 - New Project Brief: Portfolio Construction

ART & DESIGN DEPARTMENT – BTEC ASSIGNMENT BRIEF                                                                                       ...